Product Features

Mission Accomplished!

As a specialised technical software applications development and marketing company, AppliCad's mission is to continue to lead the world in innovative solutions for roofing. This is achieved by developing solutions that roofers need and use.

The following features review is designed to help you come to grips the vast array of clever tools we have developed for you. You may not recognise the need for your business immediately, but with such a comprehensive tools kit, AppliCad believes that you will always have a solution for whatever it is you need to do.

AppliCad exports software to 148 countries at last count and with input from roofers all over the world, you can be assured that what you need will be here somewhere. If not, let us know and we will see what can be done for you.

The Roof Wizard software is full of useful time-saving and accurate features. Take our NEW feature tour.


Please click on a feature heading for more specific information:


Modelling Materials Estimating Take-off / Quote
Global features... Global features... Global features... Global features...
Dormers Any material definable Quick estimating Material + Labour
Verandahs Material types Auto fall protection Pay schedules
Recovery of roof outlines Tiles, Shingles and Shakes... Sarking / underlayment Quote methods
Intersection of multiple roof shapes Tile + 1/2 and accessories Metal roofing and flashings... Export GRIM
Multi-hips, turrets and bay windows Per bundle / per piece 4 Metal estimating methods Stage Manager
Curved roofs Metal tiles Allowances / wastage Global changes
Different eave heights Metal roofing and flashings... Bullnosing Print reports
9 different storeys Flashing accessories Flashing lengths Print drawings
Multiple buildings Stock lengths etc. Tiles, Shingles and Shakes... Seamless integration w Word
Modify roof shapes Custom flashings Tile trim finishes Seamless integration w Excel
Digitise aerial photographs and PDF's All metal finishes Coursing Integration with CRM + ERP
Measure pitch from oblique images Detail for edge assemblies Other items... Group material categories
Scale Ruler creation tool Cost per length / per metre Fasteners etc.  READ-ONLY version
Mulitple language support Flashing estimating Block-Cut waste optimisation  
Assembly manager for big projects Membranes and Insulation... Linear nesting of panels  
  Insulation roll sizes Output to Rollformer  
  Perimeter and field membranes    
  Other items...    
  Accessories for Downspouts    
  Graphical Fixtures    
  Different Fasteners    


The AppliCad Process - Roofing Software that Works!